Monday, 14 June 2021

rafts facts


  • Class 1: Very small rough areas, might require slight maneuvering. (Skill level: Very basic)
  • Class 2: Some rough water, maybe some rocks, might require some maneuvering. (Skill level: Basic paddling skill)
  • Class 3: Small waves, maybe a small drop, but no very dangerous. May require significant maneuvering. (Skill level: Some experience in rafting)
  • Class 4: Whitewater, medium waves, maybe rocks, maybe a considerable drop, sharp maneuvers may be needed.(Skill level: Exceptional rafting experience)
  • Class 5: Whitewater, large waves, large volume, possibility of large rocks and hazards, possibility of a large drop, requires precise maneuvering. (Skill level: Full mastery of rafting)
  • Class 6: Class 6 rapids are considered to be so dangerous that they are effectively unnavigable on a reliably safe basis. Rafters can expect a lot of whitewater, huge waves, huge rocks and hazards, and/or substantial drops that will have severe impacts beyond the structural capacities and impact ratings of almost all rafting equipment. Traversing a Class 6 rapid has a dramatically increased likelihood of ending in serious injury or death compared to lesser classes. (Skill level: Full mastery of rafting, and even then it may not be safe

1 comment:

  1. hi Noah

    those are alot of raft facts
    six!!!!!!! that is what my sister will be next year+that is alot
    do you think you could challenge yourself and try to make more than six



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